Saturday, May 9, 2009

72 Hr kit

I know I usually post a lot earlier, but it has been crazy around here and I have been sick. Not swine flu sick, but feels like it:) Anyway I hope no one has been waiting anxiously by their computer for this post:)

This week let's put a flashlight in each members kit. There are some simple options and some more expensive but better options as well.

Simple flashlight with AA batteries- I put one of these smaller ones in each kids backpack. They are less than $2 at Walmart. I put the batteries in seperate since it isn't good to store batteries inside things. We have had batteries ruin a few things that I forgot about and stored in the attic.

- these are cheap enough you could get a few for the house as well as in your cars. It is recommended that you have a pair of shoes/slippers under your bed with a flashlight in them.(turn them upside down so no debris/glass can fall inside) You don't want to wake up to a disaster in the dark and step into glass. Even for a simple power outage you need to know where a flashlight is.
Head light- These work great and you are still able to use your hands. I found this one at Harbor Freight for less than $3. These are good for adults but also adjust to little heads. Plus the kids think they are really fun:)
The kids were asleep so my model wasn't too excited about posing:)

Hand crank flashlight and radio combo- You can get these at Emergency Essentials for $16. It is an impressive flashlight and great reception for little radio. You never have to worry about batteries dying--just wind it up more. You should also have a radio in your kit to keep informed during an emergency, so this is a great deal.

Honestly, there are a lot of cool flashlights out there. You do need to keep in mind that bigger doesn't mean better. It still needs to fit in your kit along with everything else.

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