1-To stay informed in an emergency- The radio I like is a hand crank radio/flashlight. If I can get an object that does more than one thing and saves space I go for it. It is also great to not have to worry about batteries dying when you need it the most. You can use this radio to keep informed after a local or national disaster, and what steps your family needs to take next.

2-Entertainment- This isn't essential of course but I think my kids would need some distraction in a disaster. I went to the local dollar store and found these tiny head sets. Sometimes at teh dollar store you get lucky and other times you spend a $1 on pure junk. I was really excited by the quality of these little radios. The sound isn't fuzzy at all even if I move around. The ear pieces wrap around the radio and and it fits compact in the kids backpacks. It takes 2 AAA batteries so I packed a few extra as well. 

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