(801) 561-8104

They are closed Mondays. Open Tuesday-Friday 9am-9pm and Saturday 9am-5pm ----pretty reasonable.
When you walk in there will be a cute old lady at the desk. She has order forms on that desk that you fill out according to what you want. You can be prepared and have one ready now. I have no idea why they are not more up to date but they can only take checks or exact cash. They ask you to write your ward and stake name on a list, but if you are not a member just say so.
As you finish up paying a cute old man is getting your order ready from the room in the back.
10 minutes later another cute old man loads it in my car.
Simple----100 lbs of grain to add to be my food storage for only $31. I was done in 10 minutes PLUS I had my 3 kids under 5 years old with me! I didn't feel the least bit stressed out during my cannery experience. A trip to walmart NEVER takes 10 minutes with kids and always stresses me out:)

What do I do now? I choose to get my food in bulk because it is cheaper. 25 lbs of red wheat in the bulk is $6.05. If I was to get 24 lbs of red wheat in the individual cans it would cost $11.80.
I personally think it is a pain to store all of those cans. I have either 5 gallon buckets or rubbermaid totes I store it in. I like that I can fill it up with more, less containers to move around, and stack nicely. A 5 gallon bucket that you can get for $4 on a Macey's sale holds one-25 lb bag. My 10 gallon totes hold 50 lbs. In Utah there is little moisture and this works for us and keeps any vermin out. Store your items such as wheat, flour, sugar, oats in cool, dry place. I have limited storage space but avoid the garage at all costs. I have food under dressers and beds, and in closets:
Another option: Buy it in bulk and stay and can it yourself. I was told you can no longer bring in your own food to can, but must buy it right then to can. As long as you are not a huge group you don't have to make an appointment to can your food. You will pay for the price of the food and will need a can, metal lid, plastic lid, moisture absorber--about $1 for each can you do.
Another option: Buy the supplies and rent the canner. You can "rent" it for free for 24 hours and do all of your canning at home. This works best when you get a large group of friends and family and set it up in your garage. Talk amongst yourselves if this is what you want to do and set a date:)
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